Friday, August 19, 2011

19 Aug eLearning: Math CA2 Practice Paper 1 Solutions with Explanations

The following images are the solutions and Explanations to Math CA2 Practice Paper 1.

See this only when you have completed the Practice Paper.

Click on each image for a larger view of the image.

Leave a comment should you have any questions to the answers.


  1. Thanks Benedict.
    The answer is either ON or TM

  2. Hi Mr Loh..

    Can you kindly explain Question 13 ( PP1 ) ? How do you get 3 cm ? Thanks


  3. Eula - As shown in the explanation. I divded the big square into 3 rectangles and 9 smaller squares. Thus, each square measures 3cm x 3cm. I will explin tomorrow during class.
