Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BE Lesson on Conditional If. (Demo)

If only...

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, YOU should be able to:
  • form sentences using conditional ‘if’.
  • match consequences to appropriate conditions.

Activity 1: Mix and Match (15 mins)
Let's begin with a game.
Your teacher will pass you some cards. Pay attention to the instructions and try to match your card with the correct one.
Hint: You might end up with more than one matching card...Enjoy!:)

Activity 2: If You Take a Mouse to School
Look at the title of the story. Share with your class what do you think will happen if you take a mouse to school? Start you sentence with the conditional 'if':
If You Take a Mouse to School, it will or you will...
Now, watch the video clip and listen to the story If You Take a Mouse to School

Activity 3: Lesson Time (20 mins)
Let's go through the slides below to better understand how 'if" can be used in a sentence to set a condition.

Are you ready to try out some exercise on your own to check your understanding?

Activity 4: Mini Quiz (10mins)
Click on the link below to see how much you have learnt!
Mini Quiz 1
Mini Quiz 2


Activity 5: Create your own "IF" story.
a) Using photostory, create another "IF" story of your own. You can use the pictures provided to create another "if you take a mouse to school" storyline and record it down. 

     b) Post the stories and share them with your classmates.

Activity 6: Reflection Time (5 mins)
Remember what Ruby did in the passage "Ruby's Sunflower"? Imagining that you are Ruby, use the conditional 'if' to suggest what you will do.

If I tell the truth, ...will...


If I do not tell the truth, ...will...

Let's go live with your reflection.

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