Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Experimentation Of Coveritlive

Only IF ... ...

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
  • form sentences using conditional ‘if’.
  • match consequences to appropriate conditions.

Activity 1: Mix and Match (15 mins)
Let's start off with a game.
Your teacher will pass you some cards......Pay attention to the instructions.

Activity 2: What if? (10 mins)
Imagine if
·      Malaysia stops supplying water/vegetables to Singapore, what will happen to our country?
·      Singapore is at war, what will you do to protect our country?

Write down your thoughts and share with your partner.

Activity 3: Lesson Time (20 mins)
Let's go through the slides below to better understand how 'if" can be used in a sentence to set a condition.

Are you ready to try out some exercise on your own to check your understanding?

Watch the video below if you need more examples

Click on the links below for some online exercises.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2

If you have completed the above exercises, try the optional exercise below.
Optional Exercise 1

Activity 4: Learning Sheet 3.6 (10 mins)
Time for some worksheets to jolt your memory and to practise what you have learned. Have fun!!

Activity 5: Reflection (5 mins)
Remember what Ruby did in the passage "Ruby's Sunflower"? Can you use 'if' to sugges what you would do if you were Ruby?

Optional Activity 5a: Imaginary If
You have just learned about 'Conditional If' and how it is to be used in a sentence to set a condition. Watch the eTutorial below to learn what 'Imaginary If' is being used.

That's the end of this lesson. Do visit this blog entry to revise on the use of Conditional If.

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