Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BE Lesson on Conditional If. (Demo)

If only...

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, YOU should be able to:
  • form sentences using conditional ‘if’.
  • match consequences to appropriate conditions.

Activity 1: Mix and Match (15 mins)
Let's begin with a game.
Your teacher will pass you some cards. Pay attention to the instructions and try to match your card with the correct one.
Hint: You might end up with more than one matching card...Enjoy!:)

Activity 2: If You Take a Mouse to School
Look at the title of the story. Share with your class what do you think will happen if you take a mouse to school? Start you sentence with the conditional 'if':
If You Take a Mouse to School, it will or you will...
Now, watch the video clip and listen to the story If You Take a Mouse to School

Activity 3: Lesson Time (20 mins)
Let's go through the slides below to better understand how 'if" can be used in a sentence to set a condition.

Are you ready to try out some exercise on your own to check your understanding?

Activity 4: Mini Quiz (10mins)
Click on the link below to see how much you have learnt!
Mini Quiz 1
Mini Quiz 2


Activity 5: Create your own "IF" story.
a) Using photostory, create another "IF" story of your own. You can use the pictures provided to create another "if you take a mouse to school" storyline and record it down. 

     b) Post the stories and share them with your classmates.

Activity 6: Reflection Time (5 mins)
Remember what Ruby did in the passage "Ruby's Sunflower"? Imagining that you are Ruby, use the conditional 'if' to suggest what you will do.

If I tell the truth, ...will...


If I do not tell the truth, ...will...

Let's go live with your reflection.

Chapter 3: Whole Number - Multiplication by a 2-digit Number

I am a lightning Fast Multiplier (Mentally)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, YOU will BE able to:
  • multiply any 2-3 digit number by 11 faster than a calculator (Mentally)
  • multiply any 2-digit number (up to 19) by any 2-digit number (up to 19) faster than a calculator (Mentally)
NOTE: Have your Math Discovery Book Ready before you start and take notes along the way

Activity 1: Back to Basics (10 Minutes)
Let's start with some simple Mental Calculations practise.

Here's the instructions (Read them thoroughly before you begin)
  1. Go to (remember to use the left click)
  2. Get 3 other friends to join in a game of Multiplication Grand Prix
  3. One of you will create a Private 'Standard Content' game
  4. Play the game when everyone is ready
  5. Record your Accuracy, Rate and What You Missed after the game
  6. Play ONE more game to see if you can do better than the previous game
Activity 2: Let's Get Better at 2-digit Multiplication (10 minutes)
You have learned in your Mathematics lesson on Multiplication of whole number by a 2-digit number. Now, watch a video on how you can improve your accuracy and speed with a great technique

Activity 3: Are You Ready to Test Your New Skills? (10 Minutes)All right! Now, you have an option of testing it by yourself or the same group of friends from the game earlier.
Your choice and please respect the choice of others as well. (Start the game on your own and challenge the computer if you are playing alone).

Here's the instructions (Read them thoroughly before you begin) It's different from the earlier one
  1. Go to (remember to use the left click)
  2. Get 3 other friends to join in a game of Multiplication Grand Prix
  3. One of you will create a Private 'Custom Content' game
  4. Set the range for the FIRST BOX with the number 10
  5. Set the range for the SECOND BOX with the number 11
  6. Play the game when everyone is ready
  7. Record your Accuracy, Rate and What You Missed after the game
  8. Play ONE more game (remember to create Custom Content) to see if you can do better than the previous game
Activity 4: Ready To Take On The Rest Of The 2-digits? (10 Minutes)
Here's another video showing another technique that will allow you to multiply any 2-digit number (up to 19) by any 2-digit number (up to 19) within seconds.

Activity 5: Test Drive Your Newly Acquired Skills? (10 Minutes)
Like Activity 3, You have the option of testing it by yourself or the same group of friends from the game earlier.
Your choice and please respect the choice of others as well. (Start the game on your own and challenge the computer if you are playing alone).

Here's the instructions (Read them thoroughly before you begin) It's DEFINITELY different from the earlier one
  1. Go to (remember to use the left click)
  2. Get 3 other friends to join in a game of Multiplication Grand Prix
  3. One of you will create a Private 'Custom Content' game
  4. Set the range for the FIRST BOX with the number 10
  5. Set the range for the SECOND BOX with the number 19
  6. Play the game when everyone is ready
  7. Record your Accuracy, Rate and What You Missed after the game
  8. Play ONE more game (remember to create Custom Content) to see if you can do better than the previous game
Activity 5: Rounding Up Reflection (5 Minutes or complete after lesson)
Go to Google Docs and write down your learning experience from this lesson.
Here are a few pointers to guide you -
  • What have I learned today that is useful to me?
  • Can I use the techniques learned in my daily activity (other than during Mathematics lesson or exam)?
  • Did I face any difficulty when learning the techniques or when testing out the techniques?
  • What did I do to overcome the difficulties?
  • What will I do to overcome the difficulties? (if you have not find a solution yet)
Share your reflection with me (

Hope you had fun learning!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Experimentation Of Coveritlive

Only IF ... ...

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
  • form sentences using conditional ‘if’.
  • match consequences to appropriate conditions.

Activity 1: Mix and Match (15 mins)
Let's start off with a game.
Your teacher will pass you some cards......Pay attention to the instructions.

Activity 2: What if? (10 mins)
Imagine if
·      Malaysia stops supplying water/vegetables to Singapore, what will happen to our country?
·      Singapore is at war, what will you do to protect our country?

Write down your thoughts and share with your partner.

Activity 3: Lesson Time (20 mins)
Let's go through the slides below to better understand how 'if" can be used in a sentence to set a condition.

Are you ready to try out some exercise on your own to check your understanding?

Watch the video below if you need more examples

Click on the links below for some online exercises.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2

If you have completed the above exercises, try the optional exercise below.
Optional Exercise 1

Activity 4: Learning Sheet 3.6 (10 mins)
Time for some worksheets to jolt your memory and to practise what you have learned. Have fun!!

Activity 5: Reflection (5 mins)
Remember what Ruby did in the passage "Ruby's Sunflower"? Can you use 'if' to sugges what you would do if you were Ruby?

Optional Activity 5a: Imaginary If
You have just learned about 'Conditional If' and how it is to be used in a sentence to set a condition. Watch the eTutorial below to learn what 'Imaginary If' is being used.

That's the end of this lesson. Do visit this blog entry to revise on the use of Conditional If.